Last week, I helped sort insects from water samples. Out of the insects that I helped sort, there were mostly black fly larvae, may flies, stone flies and midges. There were some miscellaneous ones in there as well.
I also joined park botanist, Liz Ballenger on a day trip to Tuolumne Meadows to look at early stages of meadow vegetation. Grass is just grass on a normal day so it was such a great experience to look at the grass and see that there were so many kinds. It was actually really funny because I was so busy looking down at the vegetation that I forgot to look up and around at the gorgeous landscape. Tuolumne really is phenomenal.
I still have trouble remembering scientific names and I can't imagine really ever referring to things naturally by their scientific names.

There is also a grass that looks similar to this except the older grass starts to pile up even more and create mounds that sort of resemble birds nests. This grass is called Ptilagrostis.

This is easily identifiable because of the strong mid-vein on the back side of the leaf.

This isn't really a meadow plant. It grows more along the edge of the meadow, but I like it so I took a picture of it. :)

I love how we are all crouched over the grass trying to get the closest look as we possibly can.
When we went out last week, the vegetation was still in its early stages so really identifying characteristics such as the flowers were not in bloom. I am really looking foward to going out again this Saturday to see how the meadow has changed in just about a week. It should be brilliantly colored and full of flowers.
Yesterday was my first day out with the Toad Crew. It was another day trip and we went to the meadows of White Wolf to collect water samples of pools with toad tadpoles and pools without. Kaitlin and her REU student were also an this trip counting Lodgepole Pine seedlings. They are working on a project researching the effects of conifer encroachment in meadows. Very cool stuff.
When we went out last week, the vegetation was still in its early stages so really identifying characteristics such as the flowers were not in bloom. I am really looking foward to going out again this Saturday to see how the meadow has changed in just about a week. It should be brilliantly colored and full of flowers.
Yesterday was my first day out with the Toad Crew. It was another day trip and we went to the meadows of White Wolf to collect water samples of pools with toad tadpoles and pools without. Kaitlin and her REU student were also an this trip counting Lodgepole Pine seedlings. They are working on a project researching the effects of conifer encroachment in meadows. Very cool stuff.

They stay in this phase for 3-4 years during which they transform into male or female toads. I am hoping to see some adult toads when I join the crew on an eight day backpacking trip. The adults leave the meadows and venture into higher, more wooded areas.

The seedling is that tiny green growth in the center with fork-like prongs growing out of the stem. A tree is most sensitive during the first 3 years or so of growth. Once it has survived that long, the guarantee of survival is much greater. It's pretty amazing seeing a seedling and realizing how long it takes for it to become a tree that we are accustomed to seeing. I'm in love with seedlings!

They counted 69 in that area. It goes to show just how many of these trees don't survive the first year. Even so, the Lodgepole Pines are taking over the meadows, harming their health.

Of course, one of the best things about these trips is getting to see all sorts of other things that you aren't necessarily looking for. Not pictured below is the Mountain Gartersnake. Steve, the supervisor, got some pictures as I held it up for him. One of snakes' defense mechanisms is to poop on you and let me tell you, it really stinks. Ugh! It washes away pretty easily but man is it potent.

Apparently, the last time the snow melted this late in the season was in 2005. Even then, it a few weeks earlier than this year. It is so weird to see snow in the middle of July on a hot summer day.