This post is to showcase a trip that my professor, Jenny Keller, took over the winter break. She went on a sketching expedition on the Amazon for two weeks! So exciting and inspiring. The trip was with Captain Moacir Fortes on his boat, Dorinha, out of the city of Manaus. They traveled on the Solimoes and Rio Negro branches of the Amazon and made only one stop to resupply. Their meals consisted of a lot of fish that they caught as well as traditional fare - rice, black beans, farofa, vegetables and fruit. No showers on the boat so bathing took place in the river itself. Jenny said from the Salimoes, the tap ran milky like coffee with cream while the water from the Rio Negro came out looking more like Coca Cola. The crew pointed out all kinds of wild life that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. At times they had to literally drag the canoes through narrow tributaries in search of otters, dolphins, birds, lizards, bromeliads, giant trees and much much more. Jenny gave a wonderful presentation and slide show of her adventures and I've stolen some of her pics to share with all of you. All the work created by the artists will be exhibited in a show in Lisbon. There will also be a book published cataloguing the work. I'll let you know when it comes out.
You definitely don't want these guys swimming up your urinary tract so don't EVER pee in the Amazon.
Huh, I realized that I didn't get any pics of people sketching. Oh well. Sorry.
Hope you enjoyed Jenny's photos!!!
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